Upwardly Mannered

Upwardly Mannered
Your Starting Place for Social, Political and Economic Advancement

Who we Serve

Academics: Universities and Colleges, Trade and Art Schools, Prep Schools, Public Schools, Foundations, Youth Centers, Rehabilitative Institutes
Hospitality: Estate Managers, Hotels, Country Clubs, Restaurants, Salons, Spas, Resorts
Athletics: Professional, Collegian, Olympians, Dancers, Sports Agents, Managers
Entertainment: Agents, Promoters, Managers, Personal Assistants, Guilds, Actors, Musicians
Corporations: Technology, Law, Medical, Fortune 500 Companies, Professional Societies, Executive Management
Government and Private Sector: Lobbyist, Electoral Campaigns, Chambers, Special Interest, Alternative and Minority Classes, First Generation Wealth, Growth Seeking Entrepreneurs, Social and Professional Climbers


Seminars and Work Shops in Culinary Instruction (Food, Wine, Liquor and Cigar), Professional Series, Counseling, Image Consulting, Impression Management, Athletic and Entertainment Marketing Imagery

Contact Us

For you and your companies immediate growth and development or to answer your questions about our lifestyle programs, call 518-926-0331 or email us at: sbmiii@hotmail.com

Soon to Come

Our website is currently under construction and will be actively running in October 2011

Friday, February 1, 2008

Promotions Through Presence and Poise

The most advertised commodity is not always intrinsically the best, but is sometimes merely the product of a company with plenty of money to spend on advertising.
In the same way, money brings certain people before the public—sometimes they are persons of "quality," quite as often the so-called "society leaders" featured in the public press do not belong to good society at all, in spite of their many published photographs and the energies of their press-agents. Or possibly they do belong to "smart" society; but if too much advertised, instead of being the "queens" they seem, they might more accurately be classified as the court jesters of to-day.

To entertain the mistaken notion that politeness implies all give and little or no return, it is well to recall Coleridge's definition of a gentleman: "We feel the gentlemanly character present with us and with the ease of a habit, a person shows respect to others in such a way as at the same time implies, in his own feelings, an assured anticipation of reciprocal respect from them to himself". In short, the gentlemanly character arises out of the feeling of equality acting as a habit, yet flexible to the varieties of rank, and modified without being disturbed or superseded by them.

Thus Society is not a fellowship of the wealthy, nor does it seek to exclude those who are not of exalted birth; but it is an association of gentle-folk, of which good form in speech, charm of manner, knowledge of the social amenities, and instinctive consideration for the feelings of others, are the credentials by which society the world over recognizes its chosen members.