Upwardly Mannered

Upwardly Mannered
Your Starting Place for Social, Political and Economic Advancement

Who we Serve

Academics: Universities and Colleges, Trade and Art Schools, Prep Schools, Public Schools, Foundations, Youth Centers, Rehabilitative Institutes
Hospitality: Estate Managers, Hotels, Country Clubs, Restaurants, Salons, Spas, Resorts
Athletics: Professional, Collegian, Olympians, Dancers, Sports Agents, Managers
Entertainment: Agents, Promoters, Managers, Personal Assistants, Guilds, Actors, Musicians
Corporations: Technology, Law, Medical, Fortune 500 Companies, Professional Societies, Executive Management
Government and Private Sector: Lobbyist, Electoral Campaigns, Chambers, Special Interest, Alternative and Minority Classes, First Generation Wealth, Growth Seeking Entrepreneurs, Social and Professional Climbers


Seminars and Work Shops in Culinary Instruction (Food, Wine, Liquor and Cigar), Professional Series, Counseling, Image Consulting, Impression Management, Athletic and Entertainment Marketing Imagery

Contact Us

For you and your companies immediate growth and development or to answer your questions about our lifestyle programs, call 518-926-0331 or email us at: sbmiii@hotmail.com

Soon to Come

Our website is currently under construction and will be actively running in October 2011

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Perfect Polish That Is Unpretentious

Just as no chain is stronger than its weakest link, no manners can be expected to stand a strain beyond their daily test at home, work and play. Etiquette, remember, is merely a collection of forms by which all personal contacts in life are made smooth. The necessity for a "rough" man to become polished so that he may meet men of cultivation on an equal footing is the hallmark of conscious and deliberate behavior.

By definition: to be pretentious is to act expressive of affected, unwarranted, or exaggerated importance, worth, or stature. In short; to reach above and beyond ones grasp.

For those that put on airs and stretch in that manner suffer ultimately by positioning themselves to fall. From their extended desires and ambiguous beliefs instability occurs and is recognized by those in the know. So how does ambition, desire and longing become acceptable means of elevating oneself to a higher status?

It is when honing, skill and inspiration become your guiding influence, then and only then can an individual navigate freely through the ranks. It is said that “Polished Brass will pass through the hands of more men than Rough Gold”. This adage echoes the sentiment that acts of gratitude (the inherent mark in each new beginning) and civilized demeanor provide for the smooth passage way of ascension and acceptance.