Upwardly Mannered

Upwardly Mannered
Your Starting Place for Social, Political and Economic Advancement

Who we Serve

Academics: Universities and Colleges, Trade and Art Schools, Prep Schools, Public Schools, Foundations, Youth Centers, Rehabilitative Institutes
Hospitality: Estate Managers, Hotels, Country Clubs, Restaurants, Salons, Spas, Resorts
Athletics: Professional, Collegian, Olympians, Dancers, Sports Agents, Managers
Entertainment: Agents, Promoters, Managers, Personal Assistants, Guilds, Actors, Musicians
Corporations: Technology, Law, Medical, Fortune 500 Companies, Professional Societies, Executive Management
Government and Private Sector: Lobbyist, Electoral Campaigns, Chambers, Special Interest, Alternative and Minority Classes, First Generation Wealth, Growth Seeking Entrepreneurs, Social and Professional Climbers


Seminars and Work Shops in Culinary Instruction (Food, Wine, Liquor and Cigar), Professional Series, Counseling, Image Consulting, Impression Management, Athletic and Entertainment Marketing Imagery

Contact Us

For you and your companies immediate growth and development or to answer your questions about our lifestyle programs, call 518-926-0331 or email us at: sbmiii@hotmail.com

Soon to Come

Our website is currently under construction and will be actively running in October 2011

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Liberty of Behavior

I am often asked about my ability to understand and work with those individuals that show a disregard for the rules of propriety. My response is usually swift and always carries the same sentiment; the essence of good manners resides in ones ability to freely pardon the shortcomings of others. A lack of manners goes hand in hand with the failure to accept a more benevolent position. On a daily basis I witness individuals that through sheer arrogance feel a sense of entitlement. Others believe that acts of civility are simply signs of weakness and could therefore not to be tolerated. And then there are those that have become so disconnected with the impressions of their actions that there is no awareness of society’s perception of them. An understanding of the importance in developing your overall stature begins with providing the necessary education. This information is not simply there too adorn your mind but will be used to direct your will and provide an inner confidence that will propel you to greater successes. Your familiarity with the rituals and customs of social settings will soon afford you an elevated and more prominent place amongst your peers. We all can recognize that one individual who seemingly walks into a room and becomes the center of attention and focus of admiration of all in attendance. He or she seamlessly care free in both action and thought conveying a presence of ownership over all that are in attendance. Well, this is not done by outwardly displayed acts of dominance but through the deft acceptance of their surroundings. Through judicious use of the social graces one is allowed to exercise what we call “The Liberty of Behavior”, an understanding of the rules of engagement that frees oneself to act in a spontaneous manner highlighting the best within. Wouldn’t you like to capture an audience with the mere presence of your arrival as well? If so, you are well under way in acknowledging the importance of etiquette in today’s society.