Upwardly Mannered

Upwardly Mannered
Your Starting Place for Social, Political and Economic Advancement

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Academics: Universities and Colleges, Trade and Art Schools, Prep Schools, Public Schools, Foundations, Youth Centers, Rehabilitative Institutes
Hospitality: Estate Managers, Hotels, Country Clubs, Restaurants, Salons, Spas, Resorts
Athletics: Professional, Collegian, Olympians, Dancers, Sports Agents, Managers
Entertainment: Agents, Promoters, Managers, Personal Assistants, Guilds, Actors, Musicians
Corporations: Technology, Law, Medical, Fortune 500 Companies, Professional Societies, Executive Management
Government and Private Sector: Lobbyist, Electoral Campaigns, Chambers, Special Interest, Alternative and Minority Classes, First Generation Wealth, Growth Seeking Entrepreneurs, Social and Professional Climbers


Seminars and Work Shops in Culinary Instruction (Food, Wine, Liquor and Cigar), Professional Series, Counseling, Image Consulting, Impression Management, Athletic and Entertainment Marketing Imagery

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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Business Etiquette

Businesses want loyal customers. Even though a customer is satisfied with the product, how he or she is treated will dictate if repeat business is done.
Customers are likely to permit the development of a positive customer relationship' and will do repeat business if they feel comfortable and valued by you and your organization.
A study by Harvard University, Carnegie Foundation and the Stanford Research Institute said success in business today is attributed to 15 percent technical knowledge and 85 percent people skills.

"It doesn't matter what business you're in". "It's a people business".

The new measure of success for the business world is about how we behave and how we handle others.
Business Etiquette is based on hierarchy and power, experts say. For example, a person of lower status should hold a door for superiors, clients, peers following closely behind and anyone loaded down with packages. In business, the client holds the highest position in any organization. "The client is more important than anyone in your organization, even if the client holds a lesser title than the executive in your firm," A person of lesser importance is introduced to the person of greater importance. For example, "President Bush, I'd like you to meet John Smith."
Stand up when being introduced to someone and shake right hands by keeping thumbs up and wrapping fingers around the hands when palms touch. Shake with a firm grip but do not try to crush the other person's hand. "Your handshake is your signature," "It speaks loudly of yourself. It is an unspoken act of respect." Since business etiquette is gender neutral, unlike chivalry-based social etiquette, it does not matter which gender reaches out to shake hands first.
You hold the door open for a woman if you would hold it open for a man in the same situation. When in an elevator, whoever is closest to the doors exits first. Men do not jam up elevators by trying to let the woman out first, unless of course she happens to be your CEO or your client.
Client entertaining is the number one reason companies send employees to etiquette seminars. The main problem with clients is that they talk with a mouth full of food. The most common question is who should pay the bill. The answer: Whoever benefits from the business pays, unless there is no clear beneficiary; then whoever does the inviting pays. They are all little things. The type of business being conducted prescribes what meal to eat. Urgent business should be discussed at a 45-minute breakfast. A two-hour lunch is a good time to entertain clients or establish contacts. Dinners are ideal for enhancing existing relationships or for providing a special treat for clients.
Knowing proper etiquette will help people communicate better and minimize insulting actions or behaviors, whether in the United States or doing business overseas. Since business is done on a global level, international business etiquette has become important to know as well.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Social Graces Help Grads Get Jobs

"What we're hearing from top management at corporations is that students are coming out of the top universities technically brilliant, but totally lacking in social skills". Brighton College Headmaster Richard Cairns decided it was time his pupils were taught a few lessons in good manners after learning that employers were dismayed by the numbers of undergraduates who were not equipped for the business world.
A study by the National Association of Colleges and Employers found business etiquette among the top three skills lacking among college graduates, along with communication skills and work ethic. The survey, called Job Outlook for the Class of 2005, was sent to 1,040 companies nationwide. According to human research managers, employers complain frequently about college graduates who lack etiquette skills. Graduates know how to deal with their computer, but they don’t know how to deal with people, talk on the phone or write a letter. Companies have also expressed frustration at having to spend money on etiquette training rather than on skills related directly to the business. Young people have aspirations and know they need to go to school, but they don’t understand what they need on the social side. The increasing role of the Internet and television has led to a generation of more socially awkward students. When families spend so much time on the computer and watching television, it cuts into the time spent talking, so communication skills suffer as well. Those social skills have proven to be equally as important as education and knowledge. After sitting through an hour-long lesson on business etiquette and networking skills, Kathryn Nguyen was all stressed out. There were so many things to remember: First impressions are set in the first seven seconds. Have a firm, but not tight, handshake. Take small bites when eating. Ask informed questions. Don't cross your arms. Smile. Look confident. As a biomedical science graduate student at UC San Diego, Nguyen said she had long been told her research, not her social graces, would get her a job. But that doesn’t work with increasing competition and a weakened economy. In a tight job market, etiquette can make the difference between otherwise similarly qualified candidates. Employers are now able to demand a complete package, the interest of their companies name and reputation can prove to be a liability if a candidate is perceived to be a social blemish.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Liberty of Behavior

I am often asked about my ability to understand and work with those individuals that show a disregard for the rules of propriety. My response is usually swift and always carries the same sentiment; the essence of good manners resides in ones ability to freely pardon the shortcomings of others. A lack of manners goes hand in hand with the failure to accept a more benevolent position. On a daily basis I witness individuals that through sheer arrogance feel a sense of entitlement. Others believe that acts of civility are simply signs of weakness and could therefore not to be tolerated. And then there are those that have become so disconnected with the impressions of their actions that there is no awareness of society’s perception of them. An understanding of the importance in developing your overall stature begins with providing the necessary education. This information is not simply there too adorn your mind but will be used to direct your will and provide an inner confidence that will propel you to greater successes. Your familiarity with the rituals and customs of social settings will soon afford you an elevated and more prominent place amongst your peers. We all can recognize that one individual who seemingly walks into a room and becomes the center of attention and focus of admiration of all in attendance. He or she seamlessly care free in both action and thought conveying a presence of ownership over all that are in attendance. Well, this is not done by outwardly displayed acts of dominance but through the deft acceptance of their surroundings. Through judicious use of the social graces one is allowed to exercise what we call “The Liberty of Behavior”, an understanding of the rules of engagement that frees oneself to act in a spontaneous manner highlighting the best within. Wouldn’t you like to capture an audience with the mere presence of your arrival as well? If so, you are well under way in acknowledging the importance of etiquette in today’s society.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Serious about Service

The word “professional” refers to those engaged in a learned profession. It refers to the manner in which one conducts oneself in the pursuit of a profession. Professionalism refers to the pride that one takes in one’s work and it is as much a matter of attitude as anything else. As we have seen our country transition from industrial to service orientated positions we have also seen a transition of society’s work ethic. Manufacturing and its tangible gratifications both in quality products of substance and national pride have given way to a commerce of service and distribution for which very few of us understand or take ownership of. This is the work ethic that I speak of, a decline in the dedication to deliver and surpass our customers expectations. Customer satisfaction across the board as a percentage is at a dangerously low level. As a country now economically dependant on delivering services to provide for our social and economical needs we have yet to develop, discipline and enrich our knowledge in excelling at it. Branding an image and growing your stature beyond providing a service, beyond customer satisfaction takes a thorough commitment in attaining customer loyalty. And how does one achieve the continuous patronage and respect of the masses? This is where your training begins. To start, a thorough introspection of oneself and the company, secondly a deep understanding of benevolence and humility must rule your conscious and guide your actions. No matter what your position within an organization you must first and foremost comprehend the fact that we all serve someone and the accountability of your actions, its role in the success of the company are directly within your control. In an earlier blog “Social Wallflowers Blossom Too” we uncover the statistical growth of wealth and entrepreneurs in this country; we also discover a need to have an ownership mentality one that understands leadership and its responsibility. Far too many of us are ill prepared to truly take the reins, yes we may own the business and sign the checks but who is being held accountable for the culture of your organization? So many of today’s businesses are wrought with ignorance, apathy and contempt, we find ourselves literally driving our customers into the hands of the competition. Ask yourself? Does your companies actions compliment the resources disposed or are you spending good money attracting new clients and training new staff while failing to keep your existing ones?

Friday, January 18, 2008

Civilities Growth took Root with a Sign "Keep of the Grass"

The following excerpt was written by Richard Duffy for the Introduction of ETIQUETTE IN SOCIETY, IN BUSINESS, IN POLITICS AND AT HOME

In the midst of the war, some French soldiers and some non-French of the Allied forces were receiving their rations in a village back of the lines. The non-French fighters belonged to an Army that supplied rations plentifully. They grabbed their allotments and stood about while hastily eating, uninterrupted by conversation or other concern. The French soldiers took their very meager portions of food, improvised a kind of table on the top of a flat rock, and having laid out the rations, including the small quantity of wine that formed part of the repast, sat down in comfort and began their meal amid a chatter of talk. One of the non-French soldiers, all of whom had finished their large supply of food before the French had begun eating, asked sardonically: "Why do you fellows make such a lot of fuss over the little bit of grub they give you to eat?" The Frenchman replied: "Well, we are making war for civilization, are we not? Very well, we are. Therefore, we eat in a civilized way."
To the French we owe the word etiquette, and it is amusing to discover its origin in the commonplace familiar warning—"Keep off the grass." It happened in the reign of Louis XIV, when the gardens of Versailles were being laid out, that the master gardener, an old Scotsman, was sorely tried because his newly seeded lawns were being continually trampled upon. To keep trespassers off, he put up warning signs or tickets—etiquettes—on which was indicated the path along which to pass. But the courtiers paid no attention to these directions and so the determined Scot complained to the King in such convincing manner that His Majesty issued an edict commanding everyone at Court to "keep within the etiquettes." Gradually the term came to cover all the rules for correct demeanor and deportment in court circles; and thus through the centuries it has grown into use to describe the conventions sanctioned for the purpose of smoothing personal contacts and developing tact and good manners in social intercourse.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Social Wallflowers Blossom Too.

80% of today’s millionaires are first generation wealth.
About 120,000 millionaires are between 26 and 34 years old.
People 34 and younger account for 40% of all business start-ups

35% of high net worth households are over 65; 30% are between 55 and 64, and another 32% are between 37 and 55.
41% of the wealthiest 1% of individuals own or have an interest in a private company.
92% of women executives support charities, and there are 6.2 million woman owned businesses.
92% of small business owners/managers were asked to give donations last year, and 91% did.

We all aspire to grow and benefit from our education and hard work. Many of you according to today’s statistics are able to taste the fruits of those labors for the first time in your families’ genealogy.
Nevertheless when it comes to our personal development why do we have such disconnect within us about our new wealth and its social expectations? Truth is told, wealth once achieved, has proven to be an easy acquisition for today’s creative intellectuals but it is the social graces; manners, etiquette, courtesy and civility that leaves us at a disadvantage in integrating into our new tax bracket. Those lessons that our parents tried to instill upon us as children come forefront to the mind and in today’s world as in times past only the most socially astute continue to elevate their status and enjoy their riches wholeheartedly. Navigating the rituals of Social and Business opportunities is an exercise in familiarity; of course one must know the rules of engagement, those things we call propriety, protocol and diplomacy are only pre-established acts of discourse used to alleviate unfamiliarity amongst individuals and settings.
An old Victorian definition of etiquette states that “Etiquette is the shield that society protects itself from the intrusions of the improper, impertinent and the vulgar”. This invisible barrier remains to this day constantly evolving and changing at the will of those in the know. So unless a concerted effort is put in to the development of your status all the financial success and intellect acquired will still remain limited. A legacy- your legacy, exist not erected with bricks and mortar but by the influence and development of those that come in contact with you. You can not build your legacy and the legacy of your family with out those social interactions. This is the prestige understood and passed down by the elite; this is why their names remain the subject of our adoration. Their philanthropic endeavors, commissions of art and humanity are the sources of these nations’ greatest riches. How will you measure up if you exclude yourself from the opportunity? How fulfilled will your life be by standing on the sidelines for fear of committing to the dance?

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Corporate Meritocracy

Character, accountability, integrity, consistency and temperance are the necessary components in the successful leadership of others. Having an innate ability to deliver training objectives and implement human resource management practices which are fair and principled towards staff and demonstrably aligned with the achievement of my goals has provided for the bulk of my successes, these programs are based on the strategic planning process and the provision of regular opportunities for constructive communication between employees and clients. These efforts support a strategically aligned workforce plan, providing performance expectations, feedback regarding recognition of performance outcomes, and the provision of targeted training and development to address immediate performance needs, and promote their professional growth and development. It has been proven to me that the best quality staffs and clients are attracted, developed and retained. A productive growth environment that strives for, and rewards, high performance, maximizes flexibility, and encourages professionalism. Through Interpersonal affective ness, communication and ones ability to provide direction, leadership and its virtues are bestowed upon oneself, inherently born within and honed through life’s experiences.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Idealistic, driven and highly philosophical, schooled and developed in the social graces, believes in passion over reason, yet has a highly developed business acumen, strong sense of dichotomy from within about self and life providing for a open-minded and adventurous spirit. With a creative, artistic, independent sense of self worth and an acute sense of idealism and direction I know what I want out of life. Allow me to help you get there too. It is said that Gratitude can be found inherently in the sacrifices of each new beginning. My commitment to the development of our shared society, through continuous education, instructional design and quality management has assisted me in my understandings of success. Early on strong mentors and ethical principals shared their knowledge and wisdom with me, understanding that one day I would pass down those same lessons to others in my life. It has been easy for me to recognize my passions; my responsibility has been to eliminate those weaknesses that are inherently found when one rest on ones talents. Through a vast exposure of both practical hands on experience and a solid foundation of business development I bring a well rounded diversity of culinary, service and social knowledge to the region. Having had the pleasure of honing and refining the skills of many individuals through understanding, repetition and evaluation I have been able to build loyalty, duty and self worth within individuals that now understand the importance of a principled steadfast character which relates to and ensures that benevolence and humility remains at the forefront of society.